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 I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her

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3 participants
Cassandra Leonhart

Cassandra Leonhart

Féminin Messages : 82
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2011

Your Present Age: 19 ans
What do you study?: Arts
You and Me, It's about time.:

I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her Empty
MessageSujet: I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her   I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her EmptyMar 18 Jan - 21:26

    BAZINGA I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her 157275

    Alors est ce que vous connaissez ce petit jeux amusant? C'est très simple, le posteur précédent vous offre le choix entre trois célébrités (masculines ou fémines) people, auteurs, personnages de fictions ect à vous de nous dire ce que vous faites avec : L'épousez, couchez avec et le tuer. A vous d'en proposez 3 nouveaux et ainsi de suite!

    petit exemple :

    Ashton Kutcher
    Andrew Garfield
    Justin Bieber

    Ashton Kutcher : Je couche avec I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her 1679

    Andrew Garfield : Je l'épouse I love you

    Justin Bieber : Je le tue Rolling Eyes

    Alors, laissez moi vous proposez ceci ...

    Emma Stone
    Rachel McAdams
    Natalie Portman

Dernière édition par Cassandra Leonhart le Mar 18 Jan - 21:29, édité 1 fois
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Lavis Keane
RUN AWAY Rule the world, seas would rise when I gave the word.
Lavis Keane

Féminin Messages : 54
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2011

Your Present Age: Vingt-deux ans.
What do you study?: Law.
You and Me, It's about time.:

I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her   I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her EmptyMar 18 Jan - 21:28

J'épouse Natalie Portman. I love you
Je couche avec Rachel McAdams.
Je tue Emma Stone.

George Clooney.
Jensen Ackles.
Hugh Jackman.
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Cassandra Leonhart

Cassandra Leonhart

Féminin Messages : 82
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2011

Your Present Age: 19 ans
What do you study?: Arts
You and Me, It's about time.:

I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her   I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her EmptyMar 18 Jan - 21:31

    J'épouse George Clooney
    Je couche avec Jensen Ackles
    & je tue Hugh Jackman

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Lavis Keane
RUN AWAY Rule the world, seas would rise when I gave the word.
Lavis Keane

Féminin Messages : 54
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2011

Your Present Age: Vingt-deux ans.
What do you study?: Law.
You and Me, It's about time.:

I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her   I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her EmptyMar 18 Jan - 22:09

La relance ? Smile
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Cassandra Leonhart

Cassandra Leonhart

Féminin Messages : 82
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2011

Your Present Age: 19 ans
What do you study?: Arts
You and Me, It's about time.:

I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her   I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her EmptyMar 18 Jan - 22:16

    ARF. J'ai BUGGER, la honte Rolling Eyes

    Michelle Williams
    Angelina Jolie
    Marion Cotillard

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Lavis Keane
RUN AWAY Rule the world, seas would rise when I gave the word.
Lavis Keane

Féminin Messages : 54
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2011

Your Present Age: Vingt-deux ans.
What do you study?: Law.
You and Me, It's about time.:

I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her   I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her EmptyMar 18 Jan - 22:31

J'épouse Marion Cotillard.
Et je tue les deux autres. I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her 933801

Megan Fox.
Sophia Bush.
Eva Longoria.
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Isold Spencer
SILVER LININGwhen the world surrounds you, I'll make it go away
Isold Spencer

Féminin Messages : 115
Date d'inscription : 22/04/2009

Your Present Age: 24 YEARS OLD
What do you study?: Faculty of Arts
You and Me, It's about time.:

I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her   I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her EmptyMar 18 Jan - 22:32

Je couche avec Megan Fox
J'épouse aucune
Je tue les deux autres killer banana

Petit Biscuit
*Ouais desole, le dvd est en marche expldr *
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Lavis Keane
RUN AWAY Rule the world, seas would rise when I gave the word.
Lavis Keane

Féminin Messages : 54
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2011

Your Present Age: Vingt-deux ans.
What do you study?: Law.
You and Me, It's about time.:

I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her   I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her EmptyMar 18 Jan - 22:39

J'épouse Petit Biscuit. I love you
Je couche avec Charmant. I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her 933801
Je tue Shrek.

Matt Damon.
Tom Cruise.
Zinedine Zidane. I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her 933801
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Cassandra Leonhart

Cassandra Leonhart

Féminin Messages : 82
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2011

Your Present Age: 19 ans
What do you study?: Arts
You and Me, It's about time.:

I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her   I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her EmptyMar 18 Jan - 22:45

    Je couche avec Matt Damon
    & Je tue les deux autres I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her 151556

    Harry Potter
    Ronald Weasley
    Draco Malfoy
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Lavis Keane
RUN AWAY Rule the world, seas would rise when I gave the word.
Lavis Keane

Féminin Messages : 54
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2011

Your Present Age: Vingt-deux ans.
What do you study?: Law.
You and Me, It's about time.:

I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her   I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her EmptyMar 18 Jan - 22:52

J'épouse Ron. I love you
Je couche avec Draco. brille
Je tue Harry.

Neil Patrick Harris.
Enrique Iglesias.
Barack Obama.
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Cassandra Leonhart

Cassandra Leonhart

Féminin Messages : 82
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2011

Your Present Age: 19 ans
What do you study?: Arts
You and Me, It's about time.:

I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her   I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her EmptyMar 18 Jan - 22:56

    J'aurais dit la même chose I love you

    J'épouse Patrick Harris I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her 1679
    Je me débarasse des deux autres I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her 151556

    Lucas Scott
    Nathan Scott
    Dan Scott I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her 933801
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Lavis Keane
RUN AWAY Rule the world, seas would rise when I gave the word.
Lavis Keane

Féminin Messages : 54
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2011

Your Present Age: Vingt-deux ans.
What do you study?: Law.
You and Me, It's about time.:

I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her   I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her EmptyMar 18 Jan - 23:00

J'épouse et je couche avec Nathan Scott. I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her 232371
Les deux autres... Allez, je leur laisse la vie sauve !

Ted Mosby.
Marshall Eriksen.
Barney Stinson.

I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her 755816
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Cassandra Leonhart

Cassandra Leonhart

Féminin Messages : 82
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2011

Your Present Age: 19 ans
What do you study?: Arts
You and Me, It's about time.:

I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her   I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her EmptyMar 18 Jan - 23:05

    HAAAAAAAN brille

    Je me tape Barney s\'incline
    J'épouse Ted god
    & Marshall je lui dit pardon avant de le tuer huug


    (Gilmore Girls's boys)
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I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her   I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her Empty

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I will mary him/her, slept with him/her, kill him/her
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